And what happened was that there were five- four bullet wounds, excuse me, four bullet wounds to his right arm. Brown had his arms up on the steering wheel of the vehicle that he was then located in. Lassiter gave her recitation of what she saw on the video yesterday was that Mr. What you probably heard already and you heard yesterday when Ms. Now consistent with what you have probably already heard is that the first initial shots were through the front windshield of the vehicle that he was located in at the time that- hold on second. And what our preliminary autopsy report shows is that there were five penetrating bullet wounds to the body of Andrew Brown, Jr.

WAYNE KENDALL: We commissioned a private individual autopsy report, post mortem report because we don't have access to anything that's official. I want to first thank the Brown family for giving me the opportunity to be here to be a part of the legal team representing them in this investigation and the legal part of representing them, if necessary, in court. Police suspect enmity to be the reason behind the murder as no valuables was reported missing.An autopsy shows that Andrew Brown Jr., a Black man killed by deputies in North Carolina, was shot five times, including in the back of the head, attorneys for the man's family announced on Tuesday. Monu was taken to a hospital where doctors confirmed that he was fired at from a close range, which punctured his vital organs. DCP (outer, north) Gaurav Sharma said a case under sections of murder has been registered and the identities of the men who had made the call are being probed. An hour later, when the family tried to contact him, a passerby received the call and informed about the incident. The family said after lunch, the killers had called Monu and asked him to meet them near the open land to sort out some issues. According to them, this was the third time one of their family members were killed in the area. Meanwhile, Monu’s family refused to remove the body from the road until the accused were arrested. Police probing if the victims had previous enmity with anyone and whether both the cases were related. Locals said they saw the accused flee in a Scorpio without a number plate. Monu was escorted to an open field and shot five times, police said. NEW DELHI: A week after a financier was shot in his car in Rohini, another youth from the same village, Karan Dabas alias Monu, too, was shot near a farm on Saturday afternoon.