Mingw32 can be downloaded from: Please specify mingw32 installed path ( for example: C: \MinGW or C: \i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0 ): C: \MinGW If mingw32 is not installed, please download and install it Please specify mingw32 or mingw-w64: mingw32 The type you want to use (can be either "mingw32" or "mingw-w64" ) MinGW32 or MinGW-w64 are required for compiling PcapPlusPlus. PcapPlusPlus Windows configuration script Npcap SDK can be downloaded from here: Ĭ: \PcapPlusPlus>configure-windows-mingw.bat.

Prerequisites for building with MinGW-w64 Xcopy /Y C: \pthreads \lib \* C: \MinGW \lib